Market daze

Student entrepreneurs to sell their wares during lunch

Art by Grace Froehlke

ENTREPRENEURIAL WOLVES–Market Day arrives during lunch Dec. 22-23 in the DMHS mall. Prices range anywhere from $1 to $23 dollars and sometimes more. About 45 teams are selling this year and each have at least one product.

Ashley Hovendon, News editor

Handmade bracelets: $3

Homemade cookies: $10

The experience of DM’s Market Day: Priceless.

“It’s super stressful [and] I’m excited for it to be over,” said senior Brooke Frederick, who is selling anti shoe creasers for $5 to $6 each. 

“You have to put in a lot of time with your team to create something you all agree on,” she said. “The process is tedious, especially buying everything,” 

Frederick will join about 45 teams who are participating in Market Day today and Tuesday. This iteration of Market Day has been held twice a year for four years, disregarding last year.

Prices range anywhere from $1 to $23 dollars and sometimes more.  

“The preparation for Market Day has been stressful,” said senior Trista Enault, who, along with Brett O’Shea, is selling T-shirts. 

“We wanted to sell shirts that were funny and involved humor that you couldn’t explain if you tried,” Enault said. “Our shirts include pop culture references and we can ensure that you can’t buy these anywhere else.”

In the beginning, Market Day only occurred for one day, but they extended the time to two or more days.

With technology being more advanced, Market Daze has upgraded as well. 

“We also take Venmo now,” says Faigin, adding that students can also run commercials on DMTV and purchase a “premium” table to maximize visibility.

Though stressful, the student entrepreneurs say the process is worth it.

“Our Market Day preparation experience was amazing,” said senior Julia Tester, whose team is selling vintage school appropriate T-shirts. The team, made up of Tester, Sadie Williams, Laura Kaushesh, Paige Meyers, Mason Dick, and Nicole Castillo, named their product Ur Mom’s Trunk.

“I think that it brought me and my teammates closer,” Tester said, “and gave a healthy competition in the classroom.”

Though “there are too many” memorable moments to count, Ms. Faigin fondly remembers the Desert Mountain MTV T-shirt sold last year–and the plastic chicken.

“I really enjoy watching some of the shy students come out of their shell and become salespeople,” she said.

“This makes the hours of preparation worth it.”