Matthew Colvin, Staff Writer
Matthew Colvin, an aspiring writer, is a Junior at Desert Mountain High School. He is a writer for Wolf’s Print and has many aspirations and dreams after high school.
A love for sports (mostly basketball, because it’s the best sport) and written word has created a passion for sports journalism. A fascination with music production has also led him with aspirations to become a producer one day. He has many inspirations in his life including, Donald Glover, Kanye West and his mother.
Matthew is involved in numerous extracurricular activities. One being his involvement with Wolf’s Print, Desert Mountain’s newsletter. He is also active within his Boy Scout troop and is only one rank away from achieving Eagle Scout, the highest rank in Scouts. He enjoys going to the gym and running basketball pickup games.
Matthew’s main goal in his first year in journalism is to inspire and spread more positivity and less negativity. He believes that there is too much hate in journalism and wants to end that through his stories and outlook.