Daniel Marchant, Opinion Editor
Daniel Marchant is a first-year writer for Wolf’s Print and Scottsdale political activist. Daniel is the founder and director of the Arizona High School Democrats, a political organization dedicated to getting young people’s voices heard in the election. He also is extremely active in local politics, and even considered running for Scottsdale Mayor in 2020. Daniel works on the campaigns of Mark Kelly (U.S. Senate), John Little (Scottsdale City Council), Dave Ortega (Scottsdale Mayor), Ronnie Maestas-Condos (LD14 Representative), Libby Hart-Wells (Scottsdale School Board), and Eric Kurland (LD23 Representative). He also is the President of the Tri-M Music Honors Society club and Desert Mountain “Country” Club.
Through his work with political candidates of all parties and levels around the state of Arizona, Daniel is inspired to write about the issues that voters find most important in our election, specifically those of younger voters like himself. His personal relationships with over 50 political candidates of all affiliations across Arizona give him a unique perspective on the matters at hand, and he strives to create a fair atmosphere and help students have access to all resources they need to make their voices heard in the election. As a writer at DMHS, Danny hopes to inspire students to get out and vote! His personal inspirations are politicians who have a history of bridging the divide between parties, such as Senator John McCain, Vice President Joe Biden, and Secretary of State John Kerry. He also is passionate about saving the environment, and works actively with colleagues of Vice President Al Gore. His collegiate goals are to go into a mix of engineering in public policy. To create a government that protects democracy but grows with technology is necessary for the continued growth and success of our country.
You can follow Daniel on Instagram @danielthemarchant, as well as the Arizona High School Democrats for election information, @azdem2020. Also on Twitter as @danielthemarch and @azdem2020 respectively.